This site will ideally help me collect and explore my thoughts more critically to reach conviction on ideas. I am trying to become a better writer, and this is a good forcing function towards that endeavor.
Given my day to day is in product and I tend to get excited pondering technological and societal progress, most of my writing will likely gravitate to that, though who knows.
A bit about the picture on the left, which is a remix by CoitoCG of the seminal work ‘The Great Wave Off Kanagawa’. This piece deeply resonates with me because it seemingly depicts a tale of undying perseverance and grit in the knowing midst of severe peril. Charging full steam ahead are several boats of Japanese seaman working together furiously, but controlled and methodically. They have no choice but to confront the reality of the deadly waves threatening their lives, but that does not stop them from charging forward. Instead of bowing down to pressure, they accelerate into the face of adversity and fight back with ferocity. I have a copy of the original in my room above my desk which always serves as a reminder to keep charging forward no matter what obstacles lie in the way.